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Spot quotation for Offering necessary supply and arrangement of all related activities in connection with Climate Resilient Integrated Rural Infrastructure (Refresher Training) to NS (Batch-1, Part-1 to 5) under ISGPP, which will be held in the month of Sept,2024.

Updated on : 02/09/2024

Spot quotation for Offering necessary supply and arrangement of all related activities in connection with Climate Resilient Integrated Rural Infrastructure (Refresher Training) to NS (Batch-1, Part-1 to 5) under ISGPP, which will be held in the month of Sept,2024.

1. Click Here To Download : QUOTATION_no 01 for 14 NS-batch-1-Part-1-sept24

2. Click Here To Download : QUOTATION_no 02 for 14 NS-batch-1-Part-2-sept24

3. Click Here To Download : QUOTATION_no 03 for 12 NS-batch-1-Part-3-sept24

4. Click Here To Download : QUOTATION_no 04 for 40 NS-batch-1-Part-4-sept24

5. Click Here To Download : QUOTATION_no 05-contigency  for 40 NS-batch-1-Part-5-sept24


