Updated on : 03/06/2019
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Ramkrishna Mahato Government Engineering College Purulia
(Formerly, Purulia Government Engineering College)
Purulia – 723103
Mob. – +91-8910926968, +91-8981740219
E-mail ID – sourav.hajrahetc@yahoo.com
Fax –
Web Address –
Educational Qualification:
M.E. (1st Class 1st) in Civil Engineering (Specialization- Structural Engineering), 2015, IIEST, Shibpur (Formerly, Bengal Engineering and Science University Shibpur)
B. Tech in Civil Engineering, 2013, WBUT
Teaching Experience:
Name of the Institution |
Position Held |
Period |
Purulia Government Engineering College |
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering |
06.08.2018 to till date |
Industrial Experience:
Name of the organization |
Position Hold |
Period |
The West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (Kolaghat Thermal Power Station)
Assistant Manager (Civil) |
02.12.2016 to 04.08.2018 |
TATA Consulting Engineers Limited (SMMBU, Jamshedpur) |
Senior Engineer (Civil & Structural) |
03.08.2015 to 30.11.2016 |
Area of Research:
Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
Courses Teaching:
Hajra, S., and Dalui, S.K., “Numerical Investigation of Wind Load Interference Effect of Square Buildings on Octagonal Tall Building”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No.4, 2016.
Hajra, S., Kar, R., and Dalui, S.K., “Interference Effect on Octagonal Plan Shaped Tall Building Under Wind – A Case Study”, Workshop on Engineering Branches, Titanic Business Europe, Istanbul – Turkey, 12-13 September, 2015, ISBN: 978-605-86637-7-0