2. Notice for Payment of Even Semster (6th) Hostel Fees for New Boys Hostel 2024-25 Session
3. Notice for Payment of Even Semster (8th) Hostel Fees for Old Boys Hostel 2024-25 Session
4. Even Semester Class Starting Notice of 2024-25 session
5. Antiragging Committee 23-24
6. Admission Committee 2024-25
7. Examination Committee 2024-25
10. Internal Complaint Committee 2023-24
11. Antiragging Committee 2023-24
12. Annual Report 2021-22 of RKMGEC Purulia.
13. Notice for Even Semester Examination 2021-22
14. Administrative Commitee 2021-22
16. Notice for Submission of Domicile Certificate for Registration Process 2021-22.pdf
18. Notice Regarding Decentralized Counseling 2021_22 (B.tech_1st Year)
19. Notice for Admission Cancellation _2021-22
20. Notice for Mop up Round Admission (Lateral Entry 2021-22)
21. Notice for Submission of AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2021-22
22. Notice for Submission of AICTE Shaksham Scholarship 2021-22
23. Notice for Submission of AICTE Swanath Scholarship 2021-22
24. Notice for Submission of Kanyashree Scholarship 2021-22
25. Notice for Submission of OASIS Scholarship 2021-22
26. Notice for Submission of NSP Scholarship 2021-22
27. Anti_Ragging Committee Session 2021-22
30. Student Grievance Redressal Committee
31. Internal Complaint Committee
32. Freeship Scholarship 2021-22
33. Notice regarding Registration process of 1st Year_ 2021-22
34. Academic Calendar (MAKAUT) 2021-22
35. Notice Regarding Stream Change in the Session 2021-22 (Only for 2nd Year Student)
36. Admission Notice For B.tech 1st Year 2021
37. Internal Complaint Committee
39. odd sem practical/sessional routine